And drunk we got. Very.
Part way through this impromptu drinking session, we started discussing my happiness (which is often really quite low) and the fact that my weight has such a bearing on it.
The conversation went like this...
Sue (drunkenly): You eat too much.
S: You do. You eat too much.
FF: Yeah, all right, I know.
S: It's not that what you eat is all bad. Just Too Much. Too much of it. Your portions are too big.
FF: You're being mean to me!!!
S: (mortified) Oh no! Am I?? You do though. You eat too much.
...and so on and so on until I requested that we change the subject.
The conversation pissed me off a bit, truth be told. We left the restaurant, picked up pizza on the way home (Sue ate more of it than me - HA! God I felt smug!) and were fast asleep before 10pm.
By morning, when sobriety returned, I was no longer pissed off about what Sue had said, but it really was food for thought, because what she said was absolutely right. I probably eat enough for at least two people, most of the time.
So the task that I really need to tackle right now is portion control.
This morning, I crawled under my bed, rooted around and dug out something that I bought several years ago but have never used.
I present The Diet Plate™:

It sections out the plate into an area for carbs, one for protein, another for sauces and vegetables/salad are unlimited.
Close ups:

This week I will use the plate and will probably find that I cry with hunger. I'm genuinely anxious. I fear going to bed hungry, feeling like I've not eaten "enough".
FatFran is worried and a bit scared.
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